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Hi! New to this site, still trying to figure it out. Please let me know if I've bungled something. I'm a costume designer for a theater, and I have been hunting everywhere for either a realistic-looki ...

This is the first corset I have made for my daughter, in the pre boning pre lacing stage. Image Credit ...

First off, I'm so sorry it's taken over a month to get this uploaded! The only pictures I knew the location of were on my dad's network an hour and a half away or on Facebook, and none of those were o ...

Discount prices for designer apparel fabric. Seriously... Shetland Wool for $7.99/yd!??! ...

Nothing sucks more than when you discover your thread is feeding incorrectly, or your machine just isn't working properly. It's good practice to take your machine apart at least once a year. Clean ou ...

The one thing that's first to be saved when a fire threatens your sewing room. For me, it's a seam ripper. I have a terrible tendency to sew things on backwards or askew every now and then, and tryin ...

The costume I mentioned in my last post is taking longer than I thought it would be, but it's almost done! I'm hoping to finish it either this evening or tomorrow. All the little mods I've added have ...

Yup, that's right! There is a new larp starting up near me, called Cobalt Nightmares, where the theme is Post Apocalyptic Fantasy. I have to admit, I absolutely adore the Post Apocalyptic genre (espe ...