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This is the first corset I have made for my daughter, in the pre boning pre lacing stage. Image Credit ...

Discount prices for designer apparel fabric. Seriously... Shetland Wool for $7.99/yd!??! ...

Nothing sucks more than when you discover your thread is feeding incorrectly, or your machine just isn't working properly. It's good practice to take your machine apart at least once a year. Clean ou ...

The costume I mentioned in my last post is taking longer than I thought it would be, but it's almost done! I'm hoping to finish it either this evening or tomorrow. All the little mods I've added have ...

Yup, that's right! There is a new larp starting up near me, called Cobalt Nightmares, where the theme is Post Apocalyptic Fantasy. I have to admit, I absolutely adore the Post Apocalyptic genre (espe ...

Just an FYI that a plethora of awesome corset tutorials have been added to the main WonderHowTo site. I'll corkboard a few of them - check them out, they're really good! ...

So after I wrote my post yesterday, I got sent two links in response, both some pretty awesome and in-depth analysis of the costumes in Rapunzel. It's pretty awesome, I think, to see such detailed cos ...

Now, I've already had the experience where I go to a Renaissance Faire and can identify the patterns used by various fairegoers to make their costumes. But I had an experience last week that I'm still ...

So I totally blanked on taking pictures of my last project so I could share it, mea culpa. Instead, I figured I'd write a post on all the different ways you can sew a pouch. One of my favorite pouch ...