Costume Creations: News

Nothing sucks more than when you discover your thread is feeding incorrectly, or your machine just isn't working properly.

Just an FYI that a plethora of awesome corset tutorials have been added to the main WonderHowTo site. I'll corkboard a few of them - check them out, they're really good!

So after I wrote my post yesterday, I got sent two links in response, both some pretty awesome and in-depth analysis of the costumes in Rapunzel. It's pretty awesome, I think, to see such detailed costumes in an animated movie - right down to the patch on Flynn's bag and the embellishments on Rapunzel's bodice.

Now, I've already had the experience where I go to a Renaissance Faire and can identify the patterns used by various fairegoers to make their costumes. But I had an experience last week that I'm still wondering about.

So I totally blanked on taking pictures of my last project so I could share it, mea culpa. Instead, I figured I'd write a post on all the different ways you can sew a pouch.

I love this software. It's currently in development by a friend of mine, and is a great utility to keep all your patterns organized. Tag them, note where they're stored and included a brief description or sewing notes. The best part is that new features are being added all the time!

I admit it, I'm lucky - I currently live about an hour away from the Fabric District in LA, and was recently just about ten miles down Pico Boulevard from it. So I'm incredibly spoiled - I'm used to being able to find crushed panne velvet for four dollars a yard, or a rich brocade for six dollars a yard. A friend and I once found some faux fur for about fifty dollars a yard - which sounds expensive until I say that the pile was about two and a half inches long, a rich brown color and 60" wide.